Does CBD work for Anxiety?
It seems like everyone these days is claiming that CBD for anxiety really helps. But what does the medical evidence really say? Unfortunately, after reviewing several medical resources, I only found preliminary evidence for using CBD for anxiety. There is limited evidence from small studies that CBD may help with social anxiety from public speaking. There is also limited evidence that CBD may help with anxiety due to chronic pain. But again, the medical evidence is not very strong. I recommend first talking to your doctor if you plan to use CBD. But, do not be disappointed if CBD does not help with your anxiety.
In summary, there is not enough medical evidence yet for recommending CBD for anxiety. I say yet because we do not know if new medical evidence will come out later. The use of CBD for medical conditions is still very new and much research is currently being done.
For more info about how to shop for the best quality CBD, click here.
For a technical summary of CBD’s medical evidence for anxiety, click on this link: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.